7 Common Holiday Dental Emergencies And How To Handle Them

7 Common Holiday Dental Emergencies And How To Handle Them

Dental emergencies happen when you least expect them to, even during the holidays. Knowing how to handle them is crucial because acting quickly can save your teeth. Fortunately, not every discomfort is a dental emergency. Below, we at Wolter Advanced Dental Care explain various dental emergencies and what you should do about them.

What Are 7 Common Dental Emergencies?

  • Severe toothache

  • Swollen or bleeding gums

  • Swollen jaw or mouth

  • Extreme nerve pain 

  • Knocked-out tooth

  • Damaged dental restoration

  • Abscessed tooth

1. Severe Toothache

Toothache is more than just a painful inconvenience. In some cases, a toothache is your body’s signal that something is clearly not right. Some toothaches can be caused by inflammation of the tooth or jaw, which can be treated with cold compresses and over-the-counter anti-inflammatory pain relievers. Please contact our office for emergency treatment if you experience sudden, unexplained, and prolonged pain. 

2. Swollen or Bleeding Gums

Occasional gum irritation or bleeding is a sign of specific oral health problems. But, this is not considered an emergency. However, if your gums do not stop bleeding, especially if they are painful and swollen, you may need to call us for an urgent evaluation. Bleeding gums that have no apparent cause or trauma are also not normal. Our team is ready to help you with any of these issues.

3. Swollen Jaw Or Mouth

If your mouth or jaw suddenly swells for no visible reason, you may have an infection, lymph node irritation, or another reason you should treat right away. Dr. Wolter can provide urgent care and refer you to one of our trusted specialists. In the meantime, using ice packs or cold compresses to reduce swelling, eating soft foods, and applying warm compresses to infected lymph nodes can help you through the symptoms.

4. Extreme Nerve Pain

Extreme sensitivity and nerve pain are excruciating experiences that will only get worse if you delay treatment. To avoid infection, further nerve damage, or more extensive dental treatment in the future, seek emergency dental care as soon as possible. Treatment can include root canal treatment. Or, placement of a crown, which we can accomplish in a single visit using our Single Visit Crown technology (CEREC). 

5. Knocked Out Tooth

It is important to seek emergency medical attention if you notice any signs of a concussion or serious head trauma after a severe blow to the head and face. If the impact is aimed directly at your mouth and a tooth falls out, follow the following steps.

First, carefully lift your tooth from the bottom, making sure you do not touch or damage the root. Then, rinse your tooth without scrubbing or using soap and reinsert the tooth in the open socket if possible. If you cannot easily put it back in place, please place the tooth in a small milk container and come to our office as soon as possible to increase your chances of the tooth being retained.

Once a tooth has been knocked out of the mouth, it can be very difficult to reinsert. Time is of the essence and you should be seen immediately. If tooth replacement is not an option, our dental office has modern technology that can restore your smile to normal with procedures such as dental implants.

6. Damaged Dental Restoration Treatment

A damaged dental restoration such as a broken filling or crown is a serious oral health problem. Missing or cracked fillings are a potential dental emergency because your teeth are unprotected and could crack or chip without the reinforcement provided by a filling. If the filling is deep enough in the tooth, the loss of the filling can expose the nerve of the tooth, causing nerve sensitivity or pain. In the same way, crowns protect your teeth from infection and damage. All this protection is lost if the crown is lost or damaged. People should not try to repair cracked fillings by themselves. By scheduling an emergency dental exam to replace a crown, you can avoid root canal treatment, tooth extractions, and other complications. 

7. Abscessed Tooth

A tooth abscess is not to be taken lightly. These potentially life-threatening infections can spread to your jaw, surrounding tissues, and other parts of your body. Tooth abscess symptoms include fever, tooth sensitivity, toothache, tender lymph nodes, facial swelling, and pimple-like bumps on the gums near the affected tooth. If you have any of these symptoms visit our office for dental emergency service immediately. 

For dental emergencies or cosmetic and restorative dental care, consider Wolter Advanced Dental Care in the Chambersburg, PA area. We provide high-quality, comprehensive dental services using the latest technology and materials available to ensure our patients receive the best possible treatment. Call 717-496-9093 to schedule a consultation today.